Live Session with… Luc Julia

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Welcome to our Live Session with… Luc Julia!

Join us for an hour with Luc Julia, Chief Scientific Officer at Renault and former CTO at Samsung.

Co-creator of Siri, founder of numerous start-ups in the Silicon Valley, and member of the National Academy of Technology of France, Luc Julia is an expert in the technology sector who will surprisingly aim to prove that AI doesn’t exist!

Author of the bestseller ‘There is no such thing as Artificial Intelligence’, he goes deeper on this controversial take, with a critical glance.

We take the occasion to discuss Artificial Intelligence, cars, future and enhanced human lives.

He was recognized as one of the top 100 most influential French developers in the digital world and named among the 50 most influential French people in the world.

If you liked the replay, you’ll love the live version!

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